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**Offical Transpac Website**

Thursday July 26, 2007 - TRANSPAC DAY 18 ARTICLE

"Samba Pa Ti Wins, But What A Morning Show It Was"
(click for full article)

Wednesday July 25, 2007 - TRANSPAC DAY 17 ARTICLE

"Psyche, Samba Pa Ti Cash In Down South" -- (Quotes from and Picture of Owner Roger Sturgeon)
(click for full article)

Tuesday July 24, 2007 - appx. 6:00pm EST -- UPDATE FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN & TRANSPAC DAY 16 ARTICLE

We got a call from Roger at noon HST and Rosebud had just reached the 100 mile mark. They conservatively hope to be on the dock by 10pm HST. If things go well it could be a few hours sooner. They have passed Peligroso for 3rd in class and currently stand at 19th overall, with the potential to move up a few spots there as well.

I'd like to thank everyone who has been following the Transpac race here on the website. This includes crew family members, general racing fans, friends and other interested parties. Things did not go the way of the storybook ending for our STP65 Rosebud, but there are a few things we can take from this race. The crew used maximum effort and their vast sailing knowledge to move up in class 2 spots over the final few days. The boat performed very well in offshore conditions, as there were no major problems or malfunctions out at sea. Our crew will use the knowledge they gained this past week to help them win similar races in the future. Again, thank you to everyone who has kept up with the race, and I encourage you to continue to check the website for updated news and schedule changes.

David Cardinali
Managing Director
Rosebud Racing

"Santa Cruz 50s and 52s Live It Up Like Old Days"
(click for full article)

Monday July 23, 2007 - appx. 6:00pm EST -- UPDATE FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN & TRANSPAC DAY 15 ARTICLE

I talked to Roger this afternoon. He seemed happy just to be talking to someone other than the guys on the boat. He wanted to know if I was having a good time out here. (For the record; I am). He definitely sounded in good spirits as he reported the boat was running along at 12 or 13 knots and they hope to arrive at the finish around Midnight on Tuesday.
-David Cardinali

"Reinrag2 Makes Transpac A Winning Family Affair"
(click for full article)

Sunday July 22, 2007 - appx. 1:50am EST -- UPDATE FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN & TRANSPAC DAY 14 ARTICLE

We are currently ripping along at 15 knots of boat speed. The weather Gribs still look promising for a finish early on the 25th. All is good on board. The boat is performing well
-Malcolm Park

"A Flying Finish But No Record For Pyewacket"
(click for full article)

Saturday July 21, 2007 - appx. 6:40pm EST -- UPDATE FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN & TRANSPAC DAY 13 ARTICLE

I just spoke to Roger. They've had their half way party. They played with their water balloons and toys. They were making 15 knots and expect to get in late Tuesday. But if they can average 15 knots for the rest of the way, it might be earlier. When he got off the phone they were reaching 17 knots.
(editor's note: an email today from Malcolm Park informed me that they would likely be in during the early morning of Wednesay July 25th)

"Morning Light-Samba Pa Ti: Match Race In The Pacific"
(click for full article)

Firday July 20, 2007 - appx. 6:00pm EST -- UPDATE FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN & TRANSPAC DAY 12 ARTICLE

Just spoke to Roger. They are going 14 knots straight at the mark. Still have time to catch others, but it won't be easy. Expect to get in during daylight on Tuesday. I told them to go faster. He said, OK, gotta go do that. Morale is good.

"Pye Shares Focus With Mag 80, Holua, ML vs. Samba"
(click for full article)

Thursday July 19, 2007 - appx. 6:00pm EST -- UPDATE FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN & TRANSPAC DAY 11 ARTICLE

Roger called via satellite phone. They have finally got into the wind and are going through squalls. They have a terrific wind angle and are hoping the strong breezes continue to work their way. The rest of the fleet has to work their way south to come down to Rosebud. His new expected day of arrival in Honolulu is Tuesday or Wednesday.

"Cirrus Had Its Day; Is It Pyewacket's Turn Now?"
(click for full article)

Wednesday July 18, 2007 - appx. 6:00pm EST -- TRANSPAC DAY 10 ARTICLE

"Pyewacket Leads But Record Slipping Out Of Reach"
(click for full article)

Tuesday July 17, 2007 - appx. 6:30pm EST -- TRANSPAC DAY 9 ARTICLE

"Rosebud Has Pyewacket In It's Sights"
(click for full article)


Rosebud: Tuesday 1400 PDT 27.27 N./ 125.39 W - 07/17/07

"The crew moral high of rounding the West end of Catalina in 2nd with Pyewacket minutes in front of us and Magnitude a mile behind has been replaced by a new high... the Pacific High has swallowed us up for the time being."

"Our entire fleet that started on Sunday has tried to find a way around this wall and none of our routes could be declared a great success. Rosebud has sailed the most miles but we have not been able to progress as far west as we would like. The Northern boats have worked hard to get West but they now have wait for the trades to fill in before they can make progress South. Most likely the Northern boats will get the trades before us and this might give them the edge."

"While we are drifting around out here is the time that one cannot help but question the logic that lead us to take the Southern Route two days ago. At the time, it seemed so clear that we wanted to have options on days 2 and 3. We did not trust the Grib files that would lock you out in the North if the forecast they were dependent upon did not come true. Our experience has been that the Gribs can be based upon faulty logic. Were we wrong not to trust our routing software? Should we have trusted our boat speed and stuck with our division? Time will tell."

Malcolm Park/ Rosebud Racing

Monday July 16, 2007 - appx. 3:30pm EST -- UPDATE FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN

I just spoke to Roger via satellite phone. He said they were averaging 15 knots. They had traveled about 250 miles and were the southern most boat in the division. Morale was very good. They had a few minor equipment failures and fixes. They still do not have satellite, except on the lowest bandwidth connection. He slept great last night. He sounded very exhilarated and said they have a good chance. At what, I neither asked nor did he say. He was happy with Rosebud's separation from the fleet and said they were very happy with their position and in good winds.

He was not happy about making a prediction of when they would arrive in Hawaii since they haven't even sailed 24 hours yet. And he said they'd be able to make the prediction better after they hit the halfway mark. But then he said mmaaaaaayybeeeeeee Monday evening.

Yay! Isobel

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